This is generally what music plays in our kitchen while we cook (and clean), it rotates depending on the mood and what we’re into lately.
I’m a big fan of music I can just groove to, no need to sing along when cooking, or doing dishes, (I think it makes it go faster). I’m also a big fan of many genres, lemme tell ya, the girls don’t much like metal, but its the best music to wash your kitchen floor to. Side-note, It’ll probably come up more than a few times, I have mad guy love for John Mayer. I wrote an article about it a few years back for the paper actually, ha. Finally, Coheed is hands down my favorite band. Who cares if Claudio makes absolutely no sense. They are a modern day Rush (also brilliant), and they rock so hard. You gotta respect the idea of not just a concept album, but a concept band. Enjoy.
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
We like world flavors, and I like to match the music to the dish, whether it’s Latin, Indian, African or Middle Eastern. Day to day, I like music with soul. You gotta feel the groove when you’re cooking. Oldies are good, but so are contemporary artists with retro sound, such as the following:
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
ZAP (local Columbia band)